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Virtual Reality

                    What is Virtual Reality ,What is Virtual


What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment. Unlike traditional user interfaces, VR places the user inside an experience. Instead of viewing a screen in front of them, users are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds. By simulating as many senses as possible, such as vision, hearing, touch, even smell, the computer is transformed into a gatekeeper to this artificial world. The only limits to near-real VR experiences are the availability of content and cheap computing power.

What’s the difference Between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality?

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are two sides of the same coin. You could think of Augmented Reality as VR with one foot in the real world: Augmented Reality simulates artificial objects in the real environment; Virtual Reality creates an artificial environment to inhabit.

In Augmented Reality, the computer uses sensors and algorithms to determine the position and orientation of a camera. AR technology then renders the 3D graphics as they would appear from the viewpoint of the camera, superimposing the computer-generated images over a user’s view of the real world.

In Virtual Reality, the computer uses similar sensors and math. However, rather than locating a real camera within a physical environment, the position of the user’s eyes are located within the simulated environment. If the user’s head turns, the graphics react accordingly. Rather than compositing virtual objects and a real scene, VR technology creates a convincing, interactive world for the user.

Virtual Reality technology

Virtual Reality’s most immediately-recognizable component is the head-mounted display (HMD). Human beings are visual creatures, and display technology is often the single biggest difference between immersive Virtual Reality systems and traditional user interfaces. For instance, CAVE automatic virtual environments actively display virtual content onto room-sized screens. While they are fun for people in universities and big labs, consumer and industrial wearables are the wild west.

With a multiplicity of emerging hardware and software options, the future of wearables is unfolding but yet unknown. Concepts such Google Cardboard, Samsung GearVR and Epson Movario are leading the way but there are also players like Meta, Avegant Glyph, Daqri and Magic Leap who may surprise the industry with new levels of immersion and usability. Whomever comes out ahead, the simplicity of buying a helmet-sized device that can work in a living-room, office, or factory floor has made HMDs center stage when it comes to Virtual Reality technologies.

Virtual Reality and the importance of audio

Hearing is arguably more relevant than vision to a person’s sense of space and human beings react more quickly to audio cues than to visual cues. In order create truly immersive Virtual Reality experiences, accurate environmental sounds and spatial characteristics are a must. These lend a powerful sense of presence to a virtual world. To experience the binaural audio details that go into a Virtual Reality experience, put on some headphones and tinker with this audio infographic published by The Verge.

Samsung GearVR

While the above VR companies have all shown promise in immersive head-mounted display technology, they tend to focus on the deep end of the pool: powerful computers or desktop PCs with gaming hardware. Samsung’s approach to VR has been different: the Gear VR uses Oculus head-tracking technology in combination with Android smartphones like the Galaxy Note 4 to power mobile VR experiences. Instead of dedicated display technology, lenses allow the phone’s screen to act as a stereoscopic display, making the device simpler and less expensive than other options.

Google Cardboard

Not to be left out, Google’s entry into VR came as a surprise during last year’s I/O conference. The Google Cardboard is a do-it-yourself approach to mobile VR, is an enclosure for Android phones that can be built for less than twenty dollars. Several demos and games for the Cardboard SDK are already available on the Google Play store, and while the experience isn’t quite as immersive or groundbreaking as other companies’ offerings, Google’s ad hoc Virtual Reality experiment shows a surprising amount of interest in even basic VR technology.

Magic Leap

On the other end of the Google spectrum, their 2014 investment in the mysterious Magic Leap startup (to the tune of $540 million along with a few of its venture capital partners) promises innovation in “light field” display technology, 3D mapping, gesture tracking, and telepresence. While their only engagement with the public so far has been a highly controversial Augmented Reality demo, many high-profile names such as venerable science fiction author Neal Stephenson are attached to Magic Leap, and their presence in the industry continues to challenge well-established brands, making them an unusual, but noteworthy company.

Carl Zeiss, Archos, Razer and Avegant

Many other companies are developing Virtual Reality headsets and other peripherals. From recognizable names, like Carl Zeiss and Archos to lesser-known companies such as Razer and Avegant, the coming VR renaissance electrifies an entire ecosystem of hardware manufacturers, software developers, and content providers.

How Virtual Reality is being used today
Unsurprisingly, the video games industry is one of the largest proponents of Virtual Reality. Support for the Oculus Rift headsets has already been jerry-rigged into games like Skyrim and Grand Theft Auto , but newer games like Elite: Dangerous come with headset support built right in. Many tried-and-true user interface metaphors in gaming have to be adjusted for VR (after all, who wants to have to pick items out of a menu that takes up your entire field of vision?), but the industry has been quick to adapt as the hardware for true Virtual Reality gaming has become more widely available.

Virtual Reality and data visualization

Scientific and engineering data visualization has benefited for years from Virtual Reality, although recent innovation in display technology has generated interest in everything from molecular visualization to architecture to weather models.

VR for aviation, medicine and the military

In aviation, medicine, and the military, Virtual Reality training is an  attractive alternative to live training with expensive equipment, dangerous situations, or sensitive technology. Commercial pilots can use realistic cockpits with VR technology in holistic training programs that incorporate virtual flight and live instruction. Surgeons can train with virtual tools and patients, and transfer their virtual skills into the operating room, and studies have already begun to show that such training leads to faster doctors who make fewer mistakes. Police and soldiers are able to conduct virtual raids that avoid putting lives at risk.

Virtual Reality and the treatment of mental illness

Speaking of medicine, the treatment of mental illness, including post-traumatic stress disorder, stands to benefit from the application of Virtual Reality technology to ongoing therapy programs. Whether it’s allowing veterans to confront challenges in a controlled environment, or overcoming phobias in combination with behavioral therapy, VR has a potential beyond gaming, industrial and marketing applications to help people heal from, reconcile and understand real world experiences.

Dr. Brian Jackson is a Senior Research Scientist at Marxent. He holds a PhD in Computer Science with a focus in computer vision. 

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virtual reality Star Wars game vr

 Virtual reality Star Wars game

Star Wars is headed to Valve and HTC's Vive virtual reality headset and it looks like it's coming in the form of an "experiment" that includes lightsaber blaster deflection called Star Wars: Trials on Tatooine and developed by LucasArts and the Industrial Light and Magic Lab.

A video popped up this evening on the ILMxLab website and then was quickly taken down. The video opens with some footage of the Millennium Falcon landing on a planet and then cuts of enemy ships dropping off stormtroopers. R2D2 then hands the player a lightsaber and then there looks to be a bit of gameplay with the player deflecting blaster shots.

The video has since been removed, though a few sites are hosting it independently.

It's unclear if this just part of a bigger game, a standalone experience or an "experiment" as the trailer's ending notes. If it's an experiment, it may mean that this isn't something we'll necessarily see released. Over the past year or so, several studios have created experiments to play with the technology of different VR headsets, but never designed to be released.

With more than 70 VR games on display at this year's GDC, some known and some not, there's a good chance this "experiment" will pop-up in the next few days as something we can play and talk about. If it does we'll make sure to get the story up as soon as possible.

While the trailer is no longer on ILMxLabs YouTube channel, there is a much larger recruitment video up shows off many more elements of VR entertainment. It's unclear if it's showing the same experiment seen in the trailer. You can watch that whole video below.


Mouse&Key 2Touch Gaming Apk v3.06 Full version

    Mouse&Key 2Touch Gaming Apk v3.06 Full version

Download android app - Mouse&Key 2Touch Gaming Apk Full version, New update with version v3.06

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Mouse&Key 2Touch Gaming is one of the only apps that is specialized to play games with Mouse&Keyboard on Android. With the "Mouse & Keyboard 2Touch Gaming" app (*root is required*) you can play games without Gamepad/Joystick limitations like Modern Combat, Dead Trigger, ShadowGun, Dead Space, ... easily. Plug in your Mouse & Keyboard, start the app, place the Mouse Fire-Touchbutton o.....



                        XCOM 2 Alien Hunters impressions

You've driven the aliens back, stolen their technology, hacked their mechs and autopsied them, but you've yet to wear their skin into battle. This oversight is fixed by the new Alien Hunters DLC, which adds a story mission, three new boss monsters and three new pieces of elite armour, which all bear a slightly horrifying resemblance to the boss creature they came from. Unsurprisingly, the very sight of this armour freaks out the alien race you happen to be mimicking. You don't see XCOM 2's vipers wearing mens' faces for hats. In this respect, humanity may have gone too far this time.

The DLC seamlessly integrates into your campaign, picking up the trail of XCOM 1's Dr. Vahlen in a decent new mission with a fresh tileset. Without spoiling too much, science has gone wrong again, and now three 'ruler' aliens are on the loose. They will invade your missions randomly until they're dead, or you are. Their huge healthbars and tendency to teleport out make them tough to catch, but that's the idea of Alien Hunters. The aliens aren't just a threat anymore, they're sport to be hunted, skinned and worn. A new
I haven't had a chance to see how the bosses operate in a live campaign environment, but thanks to some Firaxis savegames I've had a chance to fight them. I won't spoil what they can do, because that nasty element of surprise is part of the fun, but they're both tough and very fast. Instead of waiting for your entire team to move before taking another action, they move between each soldier's movement. That means they can do a lot of damage in a single turn, and can portal away in moments.

Movement restriction abilities are useful, then, along with high-damage weapons. The DLC happens to add both in the form of new prototype weapons and a frost grenade that can freeze an enemy still for a few turns. Prototypes are hard to come by, and are be lost in battle if you fail to recover them.

The guns are worth the risk. In contrast to the high-tech weaponry your scientists produce, they look ornate and antiquated. The bolt caster does huge damage but must be reloaded after every shot. The new handcannon boasts a polished wooden casing and grip, and comes with an ability that puts your soldier into concealment if they land a killing pistol blow.

Total War Warhammer Download|

                     Total War Warhammer Download| 


Total War Warhammer Crack is a strategy game that takes place in 16TH century in Feudal Japan. Your mission is to take on the leadership of one of the armies to be able to rebuild the country from the crisis.
Creative Assembly continues feeding the PCs of the 21st century strategy of quality thanks to their series Total War which, on this occasion, retrieve the legendary Shogun which were inaugurated. A new RTS with capital letters that recovers the heartbeat of the tumultuous Japan of mid-16th century.
The final aim? Become the Shogun with the capture and control of Kyoto, after the Onin war that left the country devastated and that serves as context prior to the events that unfold in the campaign. So we will have to choose one of the nine clans, a choice of Chosokabe, Shimazu, give you, Hojo, Mori, Oda, Takeda, Tokugawa and Uesugi. Conditions of victory with each of the clans are different, but all of them include the conquest of Kyoto and the occupation of the 25 provinces of the map in the short campaign, 40 in the long campaign, and 60 in the domination; regions that change depending on the selected faction.
Each of the villages has its starting point in the map and also its strengths and weaknesses, and fans of dates of start/end of the campaigns are between 30 and 50 years, which means that these cover less time than in previous installments. In Total War Warhammer rather than divided into years or semesters, shifts recovered the system of stations that we had seen at the time in some previous deliveries, and which brings in each turn three months of time to divide 365 days in four shifts well even by its climatic conditions. Even so the game clearly shorter is that other titles in the series on the line which can last us each campaign, although as we will advance more along here is sought as proposal that the user chooses to test the more factions better.
The multiplayer started taking the force expected a saga of their characteristics in Napoleon: Total War with the introduction of the campaign online. Skirmishes against users from all over the world were presented already in Rome, but it was with the title dedicated to the great figure of the Corsican Emperor when we saw moving a modality that continues to make progress in Total War Warhammer. Here we have two aspects, the so-called conquest of the Avatar and the aforementioned multiplayer campaign.
In the first we have a direct representation which will act as a general during the battles, and that will be our representation on the field of play. We will customize with name, type, and color mon, and province of departure between four available on map of Japan. Each of these regions is specialized in a style of combat: Satsuma (Yari) and Tosa (bow and arrow), Kai (cavalry), Iwate (sword). Then we jump to a map turn which shall be managed in the battles that we get rid, and that unlock rewards of the province in which the miniature of our army is based and also experience points to make it progress through another box of skills. Total War Warhammer Download Free Link right below!

Total War Warhammer Crack leave sensations found in terms of its innovative aspect. On the one hand the title makes not the slightest effort to alter one iota the basic patterns that has established the Total War series in the past 11 years, since the launch of the original Shogun. So as all the basics that does own a series of Creative Assembly that item so clearly identity continue on foot and with the same State in such a way that it has demonstrated the franchise as powerful as Napoleon or Empire titles. But the new title, at the same time, also changes its Prism, focusing on a way more minimalist understand the general concept as we have been anticipating since its announcement.
The idea of making our daimyo in Total War Warhammer of Japan is huge, and the idea of doing it in only 30 or 55 years is certainly a task of the Titans. With this new dynamic, there is no option of wasting a shift only filling, must squeeze our possibilities to the fullest and always have an attitude offensive and non-conformist, if we want to go out winners of the harsh and uncompromising conditions of victory.
In terms of the always dreaded optimization, notably that Total War Warhammer follows the line of technological characteristics and performance have been characterizing the Total War series from Empire: This means that it is a certainly demanding title. To customize parameters include logical resolution, and parameters detailed to define the quality of textures, shadows, water and sky, to define antialiasing and the class of filters of textures to be applied as well as Shader Model. Other features like the vertical sync, HDR, environmental shadows, distortion effects, and depth of field are activated. If we exceed the recommended requirements can maximize the most graphic options, but that do not deliver us some occasional fall in the rate of images per second as which they suffer in the test team drafting (i7, 8 GB Ram and GeForce GTX 260).
Total War Warhammer Download is a fantastic strategy game which, however, begins in spite of the lack of innovation showing the series in recent times. The shift towards a more minimalist Prism is there and is welcome in terms of freshness, but this shift may not like all public profiles and is that some will throw in lack precisely the grandiloquent style of, say, Rome or Empire.


Homefront: The Revolution

                           Homefront: The Revolution

Homefront: The Revolution’s closed beta takes place this weekend on Xbox One, February 11 – 14.

You can only access the closed beta if you have a special token. Luckily for you, we have 30,000 to giveaway.

To be in with a chance of getting a code just follow the simple instructions in the widget below and redeem via your Xbox One.

Temple Run Vr

                         TEMPLE RUN VR (GEAR VR)

Demon monsters are chasing you! Run as fast as you can and collect treasures throughout your path. Your goal is to run as far as you can to get the highest score.
The game is on Google cardboard and Samsung Gear VR. It is optional to use the gamepad or not. Without the gamepad, you use the touchpad on the side of the headset to change direction, jump or duck underneath obstacles. In the setting, you can adjust your head tilt and head lock to make yourself more comfortable with the environment. However, you might still get sick pretty quick due to the speed and 360 environment, especially to those who experience motion sickness.

Demi Lovato Sizzles in Lace-Up Boots on Date Night with Wilmer Valderrama

Demi Lovato knows how to add a little sizzle to her date nights with Wilmer Valderrama. As the duo stepped out for a night on the town in Los Angeles Tuesday night, the "Stone Cold" songstress showed off her toned legs in a black cape mini dress and black Nasty Gal Clarissa Over-the-Knee Lace-Up Boots.

RELATED: Demi Lovato's Post-Workout Treatment Is Way More Intense Than Stretching
The longtime couple enjoyed a dinner date at Three Clubs Cocktail Lounge, with Lovato completing her look with a sleek bob and a bold red lip. As they headed out of the Hollywood hotspot, the Minority Report star strolled alongside his ladylove, sporting a black blazer, gray button-down top, and jeans.

Lovato's ensemble was not only fitting for their outing, but also for her performance at Jimmy Kimmel Live! earlier that day. She wore the exact same thing as she hit the stage with Brad Paisley on the show, proving that the ensemble was not only stylish, but comfortable enough to go from the stage to the streets.

Best Graphics Cards

                                   Best Graphics Cards

Best Graphics Cards
Are you a PC gamer? Then trust us on this: there is no other component nearly as important as the graphics card.

Yes, your monitor and even your mouse matter. But nothing has more impact on both frame rates and fun than your graphics card. Problem is, at any moment there are scores of cards to choose from and they typically all claim to have pixel-pushing perfection.

The simple solution is to buy the very best. But that also means the most expensive. For most of us, then, it's all about bang-for-buck at a given budget. Just remember to think carefully about how you match your graphics card with the rest of your PC.

If you have a super-high resolution monitor, for instance, you're going to need a high-end graphics card to make the most of it. But, equally, there's little point unloading on the finest GPU money can buy if its being bottlenecked by an old CPU or feeding a feeble screen.

With all that in mind, here's our guide to not only the fastest, but also the best value PC graphics you can buy.

EVGA Superclock
1. EVGA GeForce Titan X SuperClock

Simply the beast

Stream Processors: 3072 | Core Clock: 1127MHz | Memory: 12GB | Memory Clock: 7010MHz | Power Connectors: 1 x 6-pin, 1 x 8-pin | Length: 267mm | Outputs: 3 x DisplayPort, 1 x HDMI, 1 x DVI

$1069.99View at Adorama
€1091.24View at Amazon Germany
See all prices (9 found)
 The most powerful consumer GPU 12GB of video memory Hugely pricey Price doesn't justify performance
If money is no object, the Titan X SuperClock offers the most power you can get out of a single card. Packing a huge 12GB of GDDR5 memory, the most powerful consumer GPU around has 3072 shaders and a core clock frequency of 1216MHz, which outpaces the Titan X's 1075MHz boost clock. Slotting one of these beasts inside your rig sets you up nicely for 4K gaming, and you could even hook up a couple of Ultra HD panels without experiencing any stuttering in the latest titles.

Zotac 980 Ti
2. Zotac GeForce GTX 980Ti AMP Extreme Edition

Titan X power without Titan X cost

Stream Processors: 2816 | Core Clock: 1253MHz | Memory: 6GB | Memory Clock: 7220MHz | Power Connectors: 2 x 8-pin | Length: 267mm | Outputs: 3 x DisplayPort, 1 x HDMI, 1 x DVI

$539.99View at Newegg
€514.20View at Amazon Germany
See all prices (30 found)
 Almost as powerful as the Titan X Beats Titan X with the OC Still pretty expensive Only worth it for high-res gaming
Though it can't match the Titan X in terms of video memory (6GB versus 12GB), the GeForce GTX 980Ti offers a higher clock speed and can often beat that card for considerably less money. Cards with the 'AMP' moniker usually mean business, and this card lives up to its name. It'll let you game in resolution up to 4K, even if some titles push the card to its limit. The 980Ti AMP Extreme Edition may be better value than the Titan X SuperClock, but it's far from cheap, costing around the same as a budget (or entry level mid-range) gaming PC.

R9 Fury X
3. Gigabyte Radeon R9 Fury X

Uses an all-in-one liquid cooling system and new High-Bandwidth Memory

Stream Processors: 4096 | Core Clock: 1050MHz | Memory: 4GB | Memory Clock: 1000MHz | Power Connectors: 2 x 8-pin | Length: 195mm | Outputs: 3 x DisplayPort, 1 x HDMI

$635.99View at Newegg
€663.62Register Interest
at Amazon Germany
See all prices (6 found)
 High bandwidth memory Over 4,000 stream processors Only 4GB of HBM, struggles at 4K Water-reservoir takes up space
The first AMD entry in our list features an all-in-one liquid cooling system that's similar to ones that keep computer processors cool. It means you'll need a spare fan mount inside the case to fit it, but the advantage of having one is quieter operation and lower temperatures than what you'd get without such a setup.

The R9 Fury X is AMD's answer to the Nvidia GeForce 980 Ti, and although it isn't quite on par in terms of performance, its 4096 stream processors, 256 texture units and a massive 4068-bit memory bus helps it shift more pixels than ever before. Oh, and the card also saw AMD make the leap from GDDR5 to faster HBM memory, although there's only 4GB of it. That means the R9 Fury X can struggle if you're playing particularly demanding titles in 4K.

Radeon R9 Nano
4. Sapphire Radeon R9 Nano

Tiny graphics card packs a big punch

Stream Processors: 4096 | Core Clock: 1000MHz | Memory: 4GB | Memory Clock: 1000MHz | Power Connectors: 1 x 8-pin | Length: 152mm | Outputs: 1 x DisplayPort, 1 x HDMI, 2 x DVI

€507.84View at Amazon Germany
 Beautifully small Low power consumption Small size doesn't make it cheaper Not quite as powerful as the Fury X
Building a small PC no longer means passing on power thanks to new graphics cards like the Sapphire Radeon R9 Nano. AMD's dinky video card is short enough to squeeze into the smallest of PC cases without sacrificing the raw grunt that you get from high-end cards. Highly efficient for a Fiji GPU, it has the same 4GB of 4096-bit HBM memory found in the Fury X, with an identical number of texture units and ROPs. The clock speed is 5% lower, but on the plus side you won't need as huge power supply to go with it due to the power envelope dropping to just 175W.

Read the full review: Sapphire Radeon R9 Nano

Palit GeForce GTX 970 Super JetStream
5. Palit GeForce GTX 980 Super JetStream

A potential bargain, despite only 4GB of memory

Stream Processors: 2048 | Core Clock: 1203MHz | Memory: 4GB | Memory Clock: 7200MHz | Power Connectors: 2 x 6-pin | Length: 269mm | Outputs: 3 x DisplayPort, 1 x HDMI, 2 x DVI

£424.18View at Amazon
£443.43View at Amazon
See all prices (4 found)
 Can be found at decent prices Plenty of gaming performance Only 4GB of memory is a bit mean Heavily OC'd models are pricey
If you're looking for a card that will handle 4K games on Medium quality settings, look no further than the Palit GeForce GTX 980 Super JetStream. This card used to be Nvidia's fastest non-Titan offering before the 980Ti came along, so it's no slouch. Featuring 2,048 stream processors, a 1,203MHz core clock speed and 4GB of memory, it offers a decent blend of clout and value.

6. Sapphire Radeon R9 Tri-X 390X

AMD's card has the GTX 980 in its sights

Stream Processors: 2816 | Core Clock: 1055MHz | Memory: 8GB | Memory Clock: 6000MHz | Power Connectors: 2 x 8-pin | Length: 308mm | Outputs: 1 x DisplayPort, 1 x HDMI, 2 x DVI

 Lower price than GTX 980 Triple-fan cooler from Sapphire GDDR5 memory rather than HBM 375W power consumption
When it comes to cost, the Radeon R9 Tri-X 390X sits somewhere between Nvidia's GTX 970 and 980 cards. It often gets the better of the former card, though the 970 performs better in some games. The Tri-X 390X produces blistering frame rates at resolutions up to 2,560 x 1,440 with all graphic details dialled up to 10. Featuring 2,816 stream processors and a core clock speed of 1,055MHz, it doesn't quite pack the muscle required for 4K gaming unless you're playing lesser demanding titles.


7. MSI GeForce GTX 970 Gaming Edition

Value meets performance in Nvidia's capable card

Stream Processors: 1664 | Core Clock: 1140MHz | Memory: 4GB | Memory Clock: 7010MHz | Power Connectors: 1 x 6-pin, 1 x 8-pin | Length: 269mm | Outputs: 1 x DisplayPort, 1 x HDMI, 2 x DVI

€314.99View at Amazon Germany
£266.94View at Amazon
See all prices (5 found)
 Best performance for under £300 Still equipped to handle 1440p Struggles with high detail at 4K Still a whole lot of cash
A variant of one of the most popular graphics cards around, the GTX 970 Gaming edition is a 1080p monster. You could even get away with gaming at 2,560 x 1,440, though you'll have to temper expectations when it comes to 4K. Featuring 1,664 stream processors, a core clock of 1,140MHz and 4GB of memory, the GTX 970 offers the mainstream performance you may be looking for without breaking the bank.


8. Asus Radeon R9 380X OC STRIX

Consoles beware, the OC STRIX delivers stunning 1080p performance

Stream processors: 2,048 | Core Clock: 1,030MHz | Memory: 4GB GDDR5 | Memory Clock: 1,425MHz | Power connections: 2x 6-pin | Length: 271mm | Outputs: 2x DVI, 1x DisplayPort, 1x HDMI 1.4

$239.99View at Newegg
€241.00View at Amazon Germany
See all prices (12 found)
 Great 1080p performance Excellent Asus cooling Middling 1440p prowess Quicker GPUs aren't much pricier
In a similar vein to the MSI GTX 970 card above, the Asus Radeon R9 380X OC Strix handles 1080p gaming with ease, and can deliver impressive frame rates at QHD too. AMD's mid-range card is closer positioned to the GTX 960 in terms of raw performance, which is impressive considering the cost. And because it uses Asus' STRIX cooling design, the card stays relatively quiet when being put through its paces, with the fans only kicking in when it tops 60 degrees C.

Read the full review: Asus STRIX R9 380X OC review

GTX 960
9. Asus GeForce GTX 960 DirectCU2 OC Strix

On a budget? The affordable GTX 960 still delivers the goods

Stream Processors: 1024 | Core Clock: 1253MHz | Memory: 2GB | Memory Clock: 7200MHz | Power Connectors: 1 x 6-pin, 1 x 8-pin | Length: 215mm | Outputs: 3 x DisplayPort, 1 x HDMI, 1 x DVI

$216.99View at Newegg
€204.61View at Amazon Germany
See all prices (15 found)
 Absolutely fine for gaming at 1080p Short and easy to fit into most cases Lags behind AMD's R9 380X Only 2GB video memory
The GeForce GTX 960 is an affordable card and a great option if you're looking to game on a budget. With a short design that makes it easy to slip into PC cases, the card delivers great gaming performance at 1080p thanks to its 1,024 stream processors, core clock speed of 1,253MHz and 2GB of video memory. Performance-wise, Nvidia's card lags behind ones in the price bracket above, so things start to get choppy when you begin to raise the resolution. Still, you can't go wrong if you're looking to game at what is still the most popular resolution today.

Read the full review: Asus GeForce GTX 960 DirectCU2 OC Strix

10. EVGA GeForce GTX 750Ti SC

A graphics chip that's super (and super cheap)

Stream Processors: 640 | Core Clock: 1176MHz | Memory: 2GB | Memory Clock: 5400MHz | Power Connectors: None | Length: 170mm | Outputs: 1 x HDMI, 1 x DVI, 1 x VGA

€125.89View at Amazon Germany
£98.29View at Amazon
See all prices (5 found)
 Great value at under £100 Fine to at run 1080p games More cash spent = more performance
 Can't handle the latest games
Based on Nvidia's Maxwell architecture, the GTX 750Ti SC is an affordable card that still packs the latest technology. This entry-level offering is still up to the task of playing the latest games if you're happy with playing on Low or Medium quality settings at 1080p resolution, and because it's small it's easy to drop into a basic PC to give it some extra graphical grunt. Just don't expect it to work miracles.

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Step 1
How to erase a write-protected USB drive or SD card: Summary
To format a USB drive or SD card you may first need to remove the write protection, which is possible by tweaking commands in the Windows Registry. In this article we offer a step-by-step guide on how to erase a write-protected USB drive or SD card.

How to erase a write-protected USB drive or SD card: Step-by-step guide
Some SD cards and USB sticks have write protection switches. When enabled they prevent files from being deleted, or any new files being written to the device. It also stops you from accidentally formatting the card or stick.

Occasionally, you’ll find that an SD card or USB flash drive will refuse to format and Windows will tell you that it is write protected, even though there is no switch, or the switch is set correctly to allow the device to be written to.

Typically, you can read the files which are already stored on the drive, but you can't delete them (they sometimes seem to delete ok, but the next time you check, there they are again!).

Here are a couple of ways you can try to format the drive and remove the write protection. Bear in mind that there is no guarantee that they will work for you: your USB flash drive or SD card may be corrupt or physically broken and no utility or low-level formatting tool will make it work again. The only solution in this case is to buy a new drive. (See also: Recover deleted files for free: recover lost data.)
Step 2

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Step 2
How to erase a write-protected USB drive in the Registry using Regedit.exe
In any version of Windows from XP onwards, run Regedit.exe (searching regedit will usually show the program at the top of the list).

Navigate to the following key:



Double-click on the WriteProtect value in the right-hand pane of Regedit.exe. Change the Value data from 1 to 0 and click OK to save the change. Close Regedit and restart your computer. Connect your USB drive again, and you should find it is no longer write protected. You can now format the drive as normal by right-clicking on it in My Computer and choosing Format.
step 3

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Step 3

If you can’t find StorageDevicePolicies, you can try creating a key by right-clicking in the white space in the Control folder and choosing New -> Key and carefully entering the name.

Now double-click on the new key (folder) and right-click once again and choose New -> DWORD. Name it WriteProtect and set its value to 0. Click OK, exit Regedit and reboot your computer.

If this method doesn’t work, skip to the next step.
Step 4

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Windows 8, simply choose Command prompt (admin).

Now, type the following, pressing Enter after each command:


list disk

select disk x (where x is the number of your USB flash drive – use the capacity to work out which one it is)

attributes disk clear readonly


create partition primary

format fs=fat32  (you can swap fat32 for ntfs if you only need to use the drive with Windows computers)Step 5 It sure Work

How to prepare your PC and room for VR

                 How to prepare your PC and room for VR

We originally wrote a guide to preparing for VR last year, but with the Rift finally here, we've updated it with new information based on our time with both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

If you've ordered an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, your own personal headset may be rolling off a factory assembly line this very moment. Soon it will be placed in a box, packaged with a controller and sensor, loaded onto a ship or plane and delivered to your doorstep. Depending on when you ordered, your gateway to the world of VR is days, weeks, or a couple months away. You're almost ready to look as cool as the two guys on the old PC Gamer cover above. Exciting, right?

Depending on which headset you're getting, there are a few things you should do to prepare yourself. VR really can be immersive enough to make trick your brain into believing what it's seeing, which is awesome for games but not so awesome for lamps you could knock over, soda cans you could spill, or shins you could bash on coffee tables. It's a dangerous world out there, so you'll want to do a little prep work before you dive into VR.

Your PC will need some prepwork as well. We'll give you some tips on making sure your system is spick and span and optimized for VR. If you're prepared in advance, you'll be ready to start gaming a few minutes after you get your fancy new headset.

Ccp Vr 3

The VR Room

Let’s assume that you don’t have a giant empty room in your house just waiting to become your own personal Holodeck. Because if you do, you’re already in good shape for VR. Also, we’re very jealous and would like to come hang out, please.

Right now the space requirements for SteamVR and the Oculus Rift differ significantly. You don't need much space at all for the Rift: it ships with one sensor ideal for sitting or standing (mostly) still, and the Oculus Rift launch games are built around the Xbox One controller. You won't be walking around right now.

Valve’s SteamVR is a different story. It may require some real living room rearrangement if you plan on standing up and walking around. And trust us, you want to—nothing sells the feeling of immersion more than walking in virtual reality. Since the Oculus Rift has the simpler setup process, we'll start there.

What kind of space will I need for the Oculus Rift?

The Oculus Rift’s head tracking relies on an external IR LED tracking sensor pointed at the headset, which Oculus calls its “constellation tracking system.” The sensor is small and mounted on an elegant metal stand; it looks like a minimalist microphone stand with a cylindrical webcam mounted on top. The tracking works by detecting infrared LEDs emitted from beneath the fabric covering of the Rift headset.

Only one sensor will ship with the Rift headset, but multiple will be usable together to cover a larger room space. For now, you’ll only need to prepare a small area—probably around 1.5x1.5 meters—to be VR-safe while sitting or standing with the Rift on your head. Avoid rugs and other tripping hazards. Definitely keep your desk and the area around your computer free of things easily knocked over or spilled, for the safety of your PC.

Sensor setup: Because the sensor’s stand is relatively short (the whole unit is about 10 inches or 25cm tall), you’ll need to set it on a desk or table to keep the Rift within its field of view while sitting or standing. That field of view is wide enough that you don't have to be positioned straight in front of it to use the Rift—in our experience, tracking is simple and reliable after simply placing the sensor on a desk pointed in our direction.

When the Oculus Touch motion controller is released sometime in Q2 of 2016, it will come with another sensor in the box. That will give you a bit more room to move around, and allow you to turn around without losing tracking, depending on your placement of the sensor. Keep in mind you'll need a second surface to place or mount this sensor to. It uses a standard 1/4-20 thread (same as your average tripod) so you can easily attach the sensor to another mount.

Desk setup: Nothing much specific here, but do yourself a favor and clear off room on your desk (or table) for your VR accessories to live. When you don the Rift, you won't be able to see the controller and included Oculus remote, so you'll have to pick them up by touch. And that's much, much easier to do when you have a clear space in front of you and can reach out to the same place every time to grab what you're looking for. Similarly, it's nice to have a cleared space to place the headset when you take it off. Be careful with it!

What else? We’d recommend two accessories for your VR room. For standing, consider buying an anti-fatigue mat designed for standing desks. You can use the edges of the pad to ‘center’ yourself as you start to wander around in VR. This won't really be necessary for the Rift's launch, though. As we wrote above, all the launch games are built around a sitting experience.

For seated VR games—pretty much the only games available through the Oculus Store right now—it's nice to have a swivel chair. A wheeled office chair will work, but swiveling may inadvertently cause you to roll around, too, if you're on hardwood. Oculus’ John Carmack has called out swivel chairs as the best way to experience GearVR, which lacks the Rift’s head tracking. But plenty of Rift games encourage looking around 360 degrees and finding hidden delights behind you. That’s easier to do in a swivel chair, where you don’t have to worry about tripping yourself up with cables.

Speaking of cables: make sure there’s a clear path between your PC and where you play your VR games, or you could be sweeping mugs and tchotchkes off your desk like an excited Golden Retriever with an out of control tail. We haven't had much of an issue with the Oculus Rift on this front, since we're mostly seated and gripping an Xbox controller.

HTC Vive

What kind of space will I need for the HTC Vive?

Valve wants you to walk around in virtual reality. Once you’ve tried it, you’ll want to, too—nothing sells the magic of virtual reality more quickly. SteamVR’s Lighthouse tracking system uses a pair of emitters to coat a room in lasers (don’t worry, they’re not lethal), letting you walk around with extremely precise positional tracking. The base stations can cover a play area of about 4x3 meters, and need to be positioned above head height. If you have some bookshelves in your living room, those will probably be perfect mount points. Otherwise, you might be looking at wall-mounting.

Sensor setup: The Vive's Lighthouse sensors need to be placed in opposing corners to offer perfect tracking without the risk of occlusion. From our experience, you can probably get away with the sensors not being mounted at at perfect diagonal; it'll just affect the size of your play space.

The sensors are too heavy to mount to the wall using some kind of sticky material (and we wouldn't recommend heavy-duty glue), so keep in mind that you may want to purchase a camera mount like this one if you don't have a convenient bookshelf to place each sensor on. The sensors use a standard 1/4-20 thread (same as your average tripod).

Room setup: Obviously, you’ll need to clear your intended VR space of furniture, rugs, and any other tripping hazards. Keep in mind that your planned playspace doesn’t have to be as large as Lighthouse supports. If your setup is in the living room, try scooting the couch back and putting a rug underneath the coffee table; when it’s VR time, you can easily slide the coffee table out of the way.

Desk setup: Nothing much specific here, but do yourself a favor and clear off room on your desk (or table) for your VR accessories to live. In press demos, we have the luxury of someone handing us the Vive's motion controllers; when you're playing games at home, you'll be feeling around in the dark for those controllers. Empty space on your desk or table, where you can reliably reach to find your controllers, will prevent accidental spills and fumbling.

What else? For standing, consider buying an anti-fatigue mat designed for standing desks. You can use the edges of the pad to ‘center’ yourself as you start to wander around in VR.

Speaking of cables: Make sure there’s a clear path between your PC and where you play your VR games, or you could be sweeping mugs and tchotchkes off your desk like an excited Golden Retriever with an out of control tail. Unfortunately there's no great solution for dealing with the Vive's cable while walking around; when we spoke with Palmer Luckey, he recommended against a ceiling-bungee solution, because there's always a risk that you'll smack the cable when waving your arm and rip the headset from your head.

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A VR-ready PC

Much like today’s PC gaming, some VR games will be more demanding than others. But the baseline for acceptable VR performance is going to be much, much higher. Right now, you might be satisfied with 1080p, 60 frames per second performance. That’s not going to cut it for VR.

SteamVR and the consumer Oculus Rift both use a pair of 1080x1200 displays being refreshed at 90 Hz. That means your PC will have to render two monitors’ worth of content at 90 frames per second for a smooth experience. No easy task.

What kind of rig will you need to handle that? For the Oculus Rift, there are two hard requirements: a system with at least two USB 3.0 ports, and Windows 7 SP1 or newer for the OS. Make sure you have the latest drivers for your videocard, and make sure your USB drivers are up-to-date, too. You could save a few milliseconds of latency by updating an out-of-date driver.

For the “full Oculus experience,” Oculus recommend these components:

NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290 equivalent or greater
Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output
AMD recommends an eight-core or six-core AMD CPU with a base clock no lower than 3.9GHz, starting at $130 with the AMD FX-6350.

Developers working with the Vive hardware have recommended an Nvidia GTX 980, a step up in performance past the GTX 970. You can run Valve's SteamVR performance test to see if your rig is up to par. A GTX 970 does earn a "ready" mark for the Vive, too.

One other consideration when it comes to the graphics card: even if it’s not top-of-the-line, a newer graphics card is likely to be more future proof. Nvidia has been optimizing its 900 Series “Maxwell” GPUs to deliver lower latency rendering for VR, while AMD has developed a similar program with its LiquidVR SDK.

As DirectX 12 launches with Windows 10, many developers are likely to switch over to the API from DirectX 11. But it won't be a quick change. Don't expect to see many DX12 games before 2017. Still, that makes a DX12 compatible graphics card important. Thankfully, DX12 support extends back to the last 2-3 years of graphics cards from AMD and Nvidia, although some DX12 features are limited to newer cards. Right now, it’s hard to say how much, if at all, those features will matter for VR, but every millisecond of latency shaved off counts.

We'll have a more specific guide to the Oculus Rift setup process soon, but it's pretty easy—if you've done all of the above, you can set it up in just a couple minutes.

futurepcgaming vr

The VR FAQ checklist

You’ve got your headset. You’ve got your swivel chair. You’ve got your beastly gaming rig. What else do you need? Let’s go over some common questions.

Q: Do I need to buy a controller for the Oculus Rift?

A: The Oculus Rift will ship with an Xbox One controller, but you should be able to use an Xbox 360 or DualShock 4 pad in its place if you prefer. The Oculus Touch controller releases later, in the second half of 2016, and will be a separate purchase. You’ll have to buy one for games built around motion controls. It’ll be worth it—from our hands-on time with it, the Oculus Touch is a fantastic controller.

Q: Do I need to buy a controller for the HTC Vive?

A: Valve has designed a pair of wand motion controllers for the Vive. They’re part of the package deal.

Q: How much does all this cost?

A: The Oculus Rift costs $600, plux tax and shipping. The HTC Vive costs $800 plus tax and shipping.

Q: Will any VR game work on any VR headset?

A: Sadly, no. All of the games Oculus is developing and funding will be sold through the Oculus Home storefront, which means those games will likely never show up on Steam. Games made specifically for SteamVR will, of course, be on Steam. Oculus requires you to check a box to install software from outside its store. The rest is still a bit up in the air.

Oculus maintains that it wants to support open source development, and some games will be playable on multiple VR platforms, but hardware differences will require some unique programming. But we expect to see most third-party VR games appear on both platforms to maximize profits. Elite: Dangerous is the first game to support both headsets at launch.

Q: Will I be able to use my VR headset for more than gaming?

A: Heck yes! Virtual tourism may be a more compelling use of VR than gaming, someday. Oculus Home already hosts a cinema for watching movies in vision-filling VR and apps for panoramic photos and videos. We expect more VR media to appear once more headsets are released. Even John Carmack thinks that gaming will represent less than 50% of the eventual content for VR.

Q: Am I going to get motion sick?

A: Hopefully not, but it's possible. Some games are much more likely to induce motion sickness. If you're sensitive, here's a good rule of thumb: avoid any game that moves your field of view with an analog stick. It feels unnatural, because you're separating control of your vision from your actual head movements. Fast-moving games with lots of acceleration and deceleration can also make you sick. If you're worried, start out with third-person games with limited camera movement, like AirMech and Chronos on the Rift, and see how you do.

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