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virtual reality Star Wars game vr

 Virtual reality Star Wars game

Star Wars is headed to Valve and HTC's Vive virtual reality headset and it looks like it's coming in the form of an "experiment" that includes lightsaber blaster deflection called Star Wars: Trials on Tatooine and developed by LucasArts and the Industrial Light and Magic Lab.

A video popped up this evening on the ILMxLab website and then was quickly taken down. The video opens with some footage of the Millennium Falcon landing on a planet and then cuts of enemy ships dropping off stormtroopers. R2D2 then hands the player a lightsaber and then there looks to be a bit of gameplay with the player deflecting blaster shots.

The video has since been removed, though a few sites are hosting it independently.

It's unclear if this just part of a bigger game, a standalone experience or an "experiment" as the trailer's ending notes. If it's an experiment, it may mean that this isn't something we'll necessarily see released. Over the past year or so, several studios have created experiments to play with the technology of different VR headsets, but never designed to be released.

With more than 70 VR games on display at this year's GDC, some known and some not, there's a good chance this "experiment" will pop-up in the next few days as something we can play and talk about. If it does we'll make sure to get the story up as soon as possible.

While the trailer is no longer on ILMxLabs YouTube channel, there is a much larger recruitment video up shows off many more elements of VR entertainment. It's unclear if it's showing the same experiment seen in the trailer. You can watch that whole video below.


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