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How to Use Null Byte to Study to Become a Professional Hacker

    How to Use Null Byte to Study to Become a Professional                                                 Hacker

Many newbie hackers, new to both hacking and Null Byte, have written me in recent weeks asking where and how they should begin their hacking studies here. I'd like to dedicate this tutorial on how to use Null Byte to systematically study hacking, so that you too can "Hack Like a Pro."

Getting Started
Probably first and foremost, you must install Kali Linux, a Linux distribution designed specifically for hacking. It has hundreds of hacking tools. You can install Kali either as a dual boot system (you can choose to boot into Windows or Kali) or as a Virtual Machine. See how to install Kali on your computer or portable device for further help.

Second, you need to understand Linux. Nearly all of the hacks are using Linux and for good reason. If you are wondering why we need to use Linux rather than Windows, read this article on why every hacker should know and use Linux. To gain a minimal mastery of Linux, you should read my 23-part "Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker" series. After mastering those skills, you are ready to begin to study hacking.

In addition, if you are wondering what skills you need to become a hacker, check out "The Essential Skills to Becoming a Master Hacker" for more info.

Finding Specific Articles
If you are interested in a specific subject, such as, say, "how to DoS a Wi-Fi access point," you can use the search function at the top of the page. If you only want articles from Null Byte, first make sure that you're in the Null Byte world, then enter something such as "DoS Wi-Fi" into the text field, similar to how you would search using Google on the Internet.
Find a Hacking Series
I have developed several series on specific hacking subjects that you can follow to build your knowledge and skills. Among the most popular is the aforementioned "Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker," but I have series on reconnaissance, password cracking, Wi-Fi hacking, forensics, Metasploit, scripting, and more. You can find the links to all of the series by clicking on the "How-To" button at the top of the page in the Null Byte world.

Here are the links to the most popular series.

Linux Basics
Wi-Fi Hacking
Password Cracking
Digital Forensics and Digital Forensics with Kali
Metasploit Basics
Database Hacking
Scripting for Hackers
Hacking for Newbies
For those of you who need a systematic approach for hacking, take a look at the article titled "Hacking for Newbies." It walks you through the hacking process with references to the appropriate articles.

Advanced Hacking
I recently began a new series for the more advanced hackers titled "How to Build Your Own Exploits." Keep in mind that this is not for the uninitiated. You should have extensive experience in hacking, scripting, and a programming language or two.

Soon, I will be developing a series on Mobile Hacking and VoIP Hacking that should also prove useful and interesting.

I hope this article helps those of you new to Null Byte and those of you who have been part of this community for awhile but were not certain how to navigate through all this information.

If you have any questions on a topic unrelated to this article, please use the Forum to ask them instead of PMing me. There is a big community here, and you are likely to receive a more immediate answer using the Forum.

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